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These are the top voted files during the last 30 days.

Do note that these results as provided as is and does not reflect the actual popularity of each file. An analysis of the votes has shown that people are frequently abusing the vote function to promote specific files.

Until a system is created where people have to log in to vote the values shown here are simply not to be trusted.

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Pos Votes File Category Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
1 1 quake_shareware.lha gam/fps 1 12Mb 29 Jun 19 74 ¤ Quake_Shareware - Quake shareware file fro id software
2 1 net/bro 1.26 45Mb 08 Feb 24 88 ¤ Odyssey 1.26 - Odyssey Web Browser
3 1 baphometscreensaver.lha uti/mis 1.00 11Mb 20 Aug 24 14 ¤ Baphomet ScreenSaver - Portable Screen Saver
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