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File Version Size Date Dls Readme
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artbaseinstall.zip1.055Mb12 Nov 1945¤ artbase - Give your data a new look
avibuild.i386-aros.lha1.249kb16 Jun 11126¤ Avibuild - Builds .avi files to one big .avi file
avibuild.lha140kb20 Dec 10113¤ Avibuild - AviBuild
framescale.i386-aros.lha0.1174kb16 Jun 11116¤ Framescale - ReScales supported image format to newer w/h
gifsicle-1.91.i386-aros.lha1.91191kb17 May 1873¤ Gifsicle - Tool for manipulating GIF images
grafx2-2.7.i386-aros.zip2.7.29781Mb20 Nov 2153¤ GrafX2 - The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program.
hollypaint.i386-aros.zip1.16Mb29 Aug 1965¤ HollyPaint - Simple paint program
lodepaint.i386-aros.zip2Mb17 Jun 12256¤ Lodepaint - LodePaint
lodepaint_src_svn146.tar.bz2SVN1464Mb25 Apr 16115¤ Lodepaint source - Source code of paint application
lunapaint.i386-aros.zip0.6.0756kb15 Feb 2340¤ - Updated Lunapaint with better datatypes support
rnoeffects.i386-aros.lha2.04Mb21 Jan 2416¤ RNOEffects - Image processing program
sng.i386-aros.tar.bz21.0.2481kb05 Nov 06177¤ Sng.i386-aros - Compiler/decompiler for Scriptable Network Graphic
zunepaint.i386-aros.zip0.14c530kb30 May 2254¤ ZunePaint - Bitmap paint with additional effects
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